Sunday, September 13, 2009

La Arquitectura del Agua

El cuerpo del hombre es 70% agua. Por eso su arquitectura celular realmente es una arquitectura de agua. En esto enfatizo: una cosa es la arquitectura celular y otra cosa es la arquitectura de agua; al primero lo constituye el elemento carbono y al segundo el orden de moléculas de agua en el espacio extracelular e intracelular. Esto último es a la hora de la verdad sólo eso: agua e información. Podemos decir entonces que nuestra arquitectura de agua devela mares, ríos, y de corrientes de información. Mares donde desembocan ríos, ríos donde convergen corrientes, y corrientes que yacen de lo más profundo de la tierra, llámese núcleo o ADN.

Son estas nano- corrientes de información las que influirán en un determinado pool de partículas ligadas a hormonas y mensajeros, y éstas bien sabemos cómo penetran en el la matrix extracelular e intracelular, o matrix viviente, para solicitar el intercambio con nuevas corrientes de la célula receptora, constituyendo el proceso básico de comunicación celular: a la larga un intercambio de información que fluye hacia la superficie de los órganos, hacia el endotelio y hacia las mucosas, arrastrando, integrando, y amplificando las señales de todo el cuerpo con el sistema nervioso, inmunológico, y endocrino, con el fin de regular y sostener el set point climático o metabólico del bioma humano. Aclaro sin embargo de una vez, que el cuerpo del hombre, a diferencia de las demás especies, a raíz de su diseño evolutivo tiene un objetivo superior, el de humanizar sus procesos de regulación biológica, mecanismos meramente instintivos y viscerales.

Por ahora recordemos lo siguiente: un bioma es el total de las comunidades biológicas que interactúan dentro de una zona de vida particular en donde el clima es similar y las comunidades se mantienen a sí mismas y al bioma entero mediante complejas relaciones entre los organismos y el ambiente. ¡¿Así o más humano?! Cada órgano nuestro es una comunidad biológica que plasma su termodinámica en las corrientes de información que viajan por la micro y macro circulación, por las vías neurógenas reflejas o por las vía de conducción asociada a la matriz extracelular, esto con el fin de poder equilibrar los vectores térmicos y entrópicos de sus órganos. Somos en lomás básico un aparato para la comunicación, la distribución, y la regulación de las necesidades de supervivencia, casi un arte, lo cual se conoce hoy día como cibernética, o la ciencia del control.

Volviendo a la matrix viviente, como dije anteriormente, es ésta el escenario por donde circulan las corrientes de información. La matrix viviente no es más que el parenquima de órganos asociados a un sistema de red inmunitaria y neuronal que desemboca en el sistema nervioso central, o torre de control, lo que determina la medida en que se modulan los procesos sensitivos y efectores en la periferia de nuestro cuerpo, desde lo inmediato hasta lo complejo, desde un pensamiento heco manifiesto, hasta un plan de acción del sistema inmunitario a mediano y largo plazo en respuesta al entorno e intorno, o desde una señal de alarma gastrointestinal hasta un cuadro de alergia bronquial interno en principio, aunque externo en origen. ¿Cómo lo logra el cuerpo? Respondo: la cibernética basa su principio en la simorfosis y en fenotipos de reactividad, ambos dados por procesos epigenéticos a lo largo de la carrera evolutiva del individuo, de su familia, y de su población.

Como ven, la respuesta no es un misterio, para vale poner algunas fichas del rompecabezas en orden.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Your Life Flower

Your life energy is represented by a Flower.

Each person has 77 petals in their flower, arranged in 12 levels. Each level has increasing number of petals. That is, 1 petal for the first level, 2 petals for the second, 3 for the third, and so on, until it reaches the 12th level, with 12 petals. In each individual, the flower is distinctive for the sizes of its petals in each level; all this pattern of arrangement is determined by the planetary aspects, houses, and luminaries in your natal card.

The flower is a way to interpret your astral momentum, or potential. This said, the most important thing to notice in the drawing is the petal with the greatest reach, which is the one that holds the greatest influence in your life, the form of greatest expression and inspiration.

Write to me, what I will need to know is your natal chart information: time, date, and place you were born. I will send you the flower with its interpretation.



Ps. You can download the program at

The image below is the life flower of Galileo Galilei. Its most distinctive flower is the 8th harmonic (8 petals).

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Healthy Quotes

Men who achieve greatness do not work more complexly than the average man, but more simply. Mayo brothers

The best part of a donut is the hole. Dr. Paul C. Bragg, health crusader and teacher of Jack LaLanne

When asked where he would like to buried when he died, Yogi Berra’s answer was, “I don’t care. Surprise me.”

Man is a food-dependent creature. If you don't feed him, he will die. If you feed him improperly, part of him will die. Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D.

The physician is Nature’s assistant. Claudius Galen (c. AD 129 - AD 216)

People’s minds are changed through observation and not through argument. (Will Rogers)

Vitamin C can truthfully be designated as the antitoxic and antiviral vitamin. Claus W.
Jungeblut, M.D.

Let food be thy medicine, and let thy medicine be food. Hippocrates

In your one human lifetime: Your eyes will blink 450 million times, you will breathe 650 million times, you will grow 1,000 layers of skin, your nails will grow 7 feet, you will lose 70 miles of hair from your head... And your heart will beat 2,500,000,000 times!
If you rub your forearm briskly for a few seconds, 300,000 skin cells will come off of it. By age 70, you will shed 105 pounds of skin.
Your bones are 50% water.

IN ONE DAY: a person doing light work sweats three quarts of water... and a baby cries an average of 133 minutes. (Thanks to Science Kit / Boreal Labs)
By the time you are 88 years old, you "have consumed 300 tons of food, air and water."
R. Buckminster Fuller

One-quarter of what you eat keeps you alive. The other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive. (Hieroglyph found in an ancient Egyptian tomb.)

What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. Emerson
Americans' wastefulness imperils their future. Our resources are fast giving out, and the next problem will be to make them last. Austin Bierbower April, 1907

There is no such thing as freedom of choice unless there is freedom to refuse. David Hume

There is enough in the world for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed. Mahatma Gandhi

If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.

The work of the doctor will, in the future, be ever more that of an educator, and ever less that of a man who treats ailments. Lord Horder

If you really want to help this world, what you will have to teach is how to live in it. Joseph Campbell

When all the land is destroyed, and all the fish are dead, then will the white man learn that he can't eat money. (Native American saying )

The physician should not treat the disease but the patient who is suffering from it. Maimonides

The germ is nothing; the terrain is everything. Louis Pasteur

Not only is example the best way to teach, it is the only way. Albert Schweitzer, M.D.

There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is condemnation without investigation. William Paley (1743-1805), often attributed to Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)

Doctors give drugs of which they know little, into bodies, of which they know less, for diseases of which they know nothing at all. Voltaire

Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another. Juvenal

The carpenter desires timber, the physician disease. Rig Veda IX. 7.9

Hunger is not the cause of death, for deaths approach the man who has eaten. Rig Veda X. 10.5

I find medicine is the best of all trades because whether you do any good or not you still get your money. Moliere: "A Physician in Spite of Himself," 1664

The best doctor gives the least medicines. Benjamin Franklin

Some physicians would stand by and see their patients die rather than use ascorbic acid because in their finite minds it exists only as a vitamin. Vitamin C should be given to the patient while the doctors ponder the diagnosis. Frederick R. Klenner, M.D.

We’re all ignorant, just on different subjects. Will Rogers

This guy’s doctor told him he had six months to live. The guy said he couldn’t pay his bill. The doctor gave him another six months. Henny Youngman

Without health there is no happiness. An attention to health, then, should take the place of every other object. Thomas Jefferson, 1787

An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out and that the growing generation is familiar with the idea from the beginning. Max Planck

He who lives by rule and wholesome diet is a physician to himself. from: Concise Directions on the Nature of our Common Food so far as it tends to Promote or Injure Health. Published by Swords of London: 1790, p 7.

Disease is the censor pointing out the humans, animals and plants who are imperfectly nourished. Wrench, G. T. The Wheel of Health, 1941. London: Daniel, p 130.

When in doubt, try nutrition first. Roger Williams, PhD in Nutrition Against Disease
Health is the fastest growing failing business in western civilization. Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D. in Human Health and Homeostasis

The world cares very little about what a person knows; it is what the person is able to do that counts. Booker T. Washington

It is time to lay to rest the notion that germs jump into people and cause diseases. Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D. in Vitamin C: Who Needs It?

Of several remedies, the physician should choose the least sensational. Hippocrates

The fellow who has not had any experience is so dumb he doesn't know a thing can't be done, and he goes ahead and does it. Charles F. Kettering

The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it. Chinese Proverb.

One grandmother is worth two M.D.s. Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

When we try to pick anything out by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe. John Muir

Have no respect for the authority of others, for there are always contrary authorities to be found. Bertrand Russell

Life in all its fullness is Mother Nature obeyed. Weston A. Price, D.D.S.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

On The Laws of Attraction

Intelligence is a product of human consciousness. We are given intelligence when we are born. But our task is to awaken to it, to access consciousness through it.

As species moved higher into the line, there was a need to comply higher learning processes, such as memory, abstract thought, language, etc. in most efficient expenditure. And so goes the story of what our human ancestors ate and drank, where they slept, how they lived, how their bodies changed from primates to humans, how their brains grew, and how everything else woven together seems to approximate to a unique new form of intelligence. That's just the first part of the story.

Subatomic dynamics are conceived as non material forces operating in the in-between of interior structures; it is all that is happening throughout the invisible anatomy of the human body and mind. The orthodox and industrial approach of modern science to understanding the evolution of human thinking is limited to descifering these interior structures i.e. the genetic structure, and thus we tend to care less about tracing the code to a further level. Subatomic spatial dynamics correspond to vectors: traces of movement. The new side of the story begins to emerge: the body situates a final vector to its non material intelligence. This vector can be located surprisingly not in the brain but in a part of the body. Organs and structures of the body communicate with under this spatial- holographic tent. It constitutes the dialogue within our nervous system, tracing the ground for development.

Beyond biological structures, beyond organs to atoms, informational relays are overflowing our bodies.

How do we represent these relays? Graphically and mathematically speaking.
Will it matter ultimately how we see or measure its form of organization? It does matter. We need to create technologies capable of reorganizing systems into their own field of biological and subatomic coherency.

The body achieves organ and glandular synergy through thermodynamic conduction. Growth, transformation and equilibrium of the body is done at the expense of solar energy deposited in the mitochondria of our cells. Our body is a solar design: we are a system that follows the light and day order of the universe and its opposites: dark and night, fast and slow, retrograde and direct, and so on. Living things are designed to live in accordance with these laws; our cells are attune with these rhythms of nature. The sum of these measurements hint to the state of polarity. The fact that an organism is being able to conduct earth energy and solar energy processes via a thermodynamic design. The mind is there for us to skip disorder. It is as if all the mind is trying to do is to prevent environmental chaos from disrupting our system. Adaptations are really chaos conducting states of dynamic equilibrium, that offers a point of growth, of new intelligence, of new directions. Genes express this, but not embody it. This new intelligence is first embodied in a far more complex design than genes, and it is light years ahead of genes!
Energy is contained in our bodies thanks to intelligent atomic and subatomic processes that hold electrons in place. But in planet earth, it is fixed in our bodies in circuits operating in biological time span: the blood - heart - breath - brain circuits. This doesn´t mean energy isn't simultaneously operating in its pre biological form. Before mitochondria and aerobic metabolism in earth evolved, energy was under a state of collapse. It is estimated that the earth´s natural waveforms were much different that today's occurring cycles per second. Along came a change in earth´s magnetic frequency, and so did a new form of transfering and organizing energy into more complex systems. Nowadays, when part of our circuits collapse, a weak form of energy will try to supplement the affected pathways. This manifest as diseases processes.

To set a vivid example, imagine heart attacks. Tachiarrhythmias are one example; in this situation the heart muscle can contract up to 700 times per minute! The heart tissue manages to recover to normal heartbeat, sometimes not. After the episode, information is passed to the tissues of the hearts, and new genes will keep constructing more pathways for mechanical compliance of the wounded heart. The question is why did the heart attack precipitate in the heart system and not in the liver, for example? (or is a scarred liver as in cirrhosis the equivalent to a scar tissue in the heart after an attack?) Is all of this the result of a form of energy, moving from place to place in the body, or a displacement of our natural energy? How can we measure circuits under collapse before they arrest organ function? How can we reverse them?

Some links.
For Buddhist and metaphysics thinking, life is full of unpurpose: an unintended, spontaneous, and self organizing arising. Why does the human mind come up with so many intentions after all? be continued...
We are self organizing biological systems, in favor of experience. Biological design is wired to the energy of the sun and the universe: gravity, waves, etc. A (healthy) body's geometry catapults this energy to a level of access for our mental fields into higher grounds of existence. What do you think, then, your delta waveswere doing as you were sleeping last night?